Korean name: 정할 정

Meaning: to decide on, settle, fix


  • 가정 (假定) an assumption, supposition, or proposition; that is, something that is temporarily accepted as true, even though the actual truth is uncertain

  • 결정 (決定) a decision, the act of making up one’s mind

  • 고정 (固定) the state of being fixed in one spot

    고정관념 (固定觀念) fixed idea, stereotype, rigid perspective

  • 규정 (規定) a rule, regulation

  • 긍정 (肯定) recognition that some fact or idea is correct or right

  • 개정 (改定) revision of or amendment to a document
  • 단정 (斷定) conclusion, judgment, decision

  • 무작정 (無酌定) not having a plan or strategy for what lies ahead

  • 법정 (法定) being legal, according to the law

  • 부정 (不定) being corrupt, unlawful

  • 부정 (否定) the act of concluding that something is not correct or right; opposition to something because it is not correct or right

  • 선정 (選定) the act of making a selection, choice

  • 설정 (設定) the act of establishing or setting up something

  • 안정 (安定) stability

  • 예정 (豫定) plan, schedule, expectation for the future

  • 인정 (認定) recognition, acknowledgment, acceptance

  • 일정 (一定) being fixed, set, uniform, regular

  • 작정 (作定) having made a decision to do something; resolve, determination

  • 정규 (定規) a rule or norm that has been established formally

  • 정기 (定期) being periodic, occurring at regular intervals

  • 정원 (定員) quota, fixed or prescribed number of people

  • 정의 (定義) definition

  • 정착 (定着) 1. settling down in one location; 2. taking root, becoming established

  • 지정 (指定) designation; act of pointing something out and specifying its qualifications, value, etc.

  • 추정 (推定) estimation, presumption

  • 측정 (測定) measurement, survey

  • 특정 (特定) being particular, specific

    불특정 (不特定) being unspecific

  • 판정 (判定) judgment, decision

  • 한정 (限定) a set limit, restriction

  • 협정 (協定) act of reaching an agreement through discussion; a treaty, pact

  • 확정 (確定) act of making a firm decision