Korean name: 놈 자
Meaning: person, that person
- 가해자 (加害者) a person who has harmed another
- 관계자 (關係者) a person involved in or interested in a matter
- 기자 (記者) a reporter
- 노동자 (勞動者) laborer, worker
- 노숙자 (露宿者) a homeless or unhoused person
- 당사자 (當事者) a person directly related to the matter at hand
- 독자 (讀者) a reader
- 독재자 (獨裁者) 1. a person who controls all the power in a group; 2. a government dictator
- 미성년자 (未成年者) a person who is not of legal age
- 범죄자 (犯罪者) a person who has commited a crime
- 부자 (富者) a wealthy person
- 사회자 (司會者) a master of ceremonies, host
- 생존자 (生存者) a person who survives an incident
- 소비자 (消費者) a consumer
- 시청자 (視聽者) a television viewer
- 신자 (信者) a person who believes in a religion
- 유권자 (有權者) a person who has the right to vote
- 저자 (著者) an author
- 지도자 (指導者) a person who teaches and leads others
- 청자 (聽者) a listener
- 피의자 (被疑者) a person suspected of a crime
- 피해자 (被害者) a person who has suffered some damage
- 학자 (學者) a scholar or academic researcher
- 화자 (話者) narrator, a person who tells a story
- 환자 (患者) an ill person, patient
- 사용자 (使用者) 1. a person who uses an item or a facility; 2. an employer